Babesia cases skyrocket in Wisconsin with a 26-fold increase

In Wisconsin, between 2001 and 2015, “there was a 26-fold increase in the incidence of confirmed babesiosis, in addition to geographic expansion,” according to MMWR. [1] The report listed suburbanization, forest fragmentation patterns, and warming average temperatures as potential causes behind the surge.

The rising prevalence of co-infections in rodents may also be to blame for the rise in Babesia cases. When studying the Northeastern region, Diuk-Wasser from Columbia University in New York City found “the prevalence of co-infection tends to be greater in rodents, ranging from 6% to 41%, because they are exposed to multiple tick bites during their lifetime.” [2] Furthermore, she adds, “the prevalence of B. burgdorferi and B. microti co-infection ranges from 0% to 13% in nymphs and from 2% to 13% in adults.”

Babesia can be severe, causing life-threatening symptoms. According to the report, in Wisconsin between 2001 and 2015, “three deaths occurred, one in a woman aged 88 years, and two in men aged 64 and 72 years.” [1] Most cases, however, are treated without hospitalization. Thirty-five percent of the confirmed Babesia cases, and 76% of the probable cases were treated in the community.

Of the confirmed cases:
• 64% = male
• 68% = over age 60
• 96% = onset of illness occurred between April and October

Individuals contracting Babesia through blood transfusions has also been reported. “Three confirmed cases of transfusion-associated transmission were detected in 2008 and one in 2011, before implementation of routine screening for babesiosis by Wisconsin blood banks in 2016,” according to MMWR. [1]

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The authors point out that perinatal transmission of Babesia has been reported, as well. Transplacental transmission is not described in the MMWR Wisconsin report, but was discussed in a 2017 review of tick-borne diseases in the Cleveland Clinic of North America. [3]

Babesia cases spread throughout Wisconsin

During 2001 – 2005, 20 counties in Wisconsin (28% of the state) reported at least one confirmed case of Babesia. That number rose to 30 counties between 2006 and 2010. And during 2011 – 2015, the number of counties reporting at least one case had jumped to 40.

The actual number of Babesia cases in Wisconsin is unknown. To be considered a confirmed case, the MMWR required a blood smear or a 4-fold increase or greater in B. microti immunoglobulin G [IgG] antibody titers. [1] However, the blood smear has poor sensitivity, the authors point out. “Blood smear exam has a substantially lower sensitivity of detection of parasites (100–500 parasites/μL blood) than does PCR which can be positive at concentrations as low as one to three parasites per μL of blood.”


Related posts:

Study raises concerns for Babesia patients and blood banks

Babesia becomes the number 2 tick-borne illness behind Lyme disease in the Hudson Valley 

Sweats may be a sign of Babesia

Babesia and Lyme – it’s worse than you think



  1. Stein E, Elbadawi LI, Kazmierczak J, Davis JP. Babesiosis Surveillance – Wisconsin, 2001-2015. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2017;66(26):687-691.
  2. Diuk-Wasser MA, Vannier E, Krause PJ. Coinfection by Ixodes Tick-Borne Pathogens: Ecological, Epidemiological, and Clinical Consequences. Trends Parasitol. 2015.
  3. Eickhoff C, Blaylock J. Tickborne diseases other than Lyme in the United States. Cleve Clin J Med. 2017;84(7):555-567.



3 responses to “Babesia cases skyrocket in Wisconsin with a 26-fold increase”

  1. Margie Avatar

    I agree with trying to get a dr to order a test. I had a lymes test came up negative but I have never felt right since I had it. lots of leg pain, super fatigue. why can’t we get tested at a county nurse office or something like that? Does the tick look the same for both. i had the tick but the dr said they don’t need it so i am pretty sure i dumped but i could look. what i do have are 2 pics of my arm with bite area very red and looks infected. please advise. thank you

    1. The test are not as reliable as I would like. I have to use clinical judgement to determine who should get treated and what to treat with if the tests are negative. Pictures can be difficult to interpret.

  2. Ruth Ruggles Avatar
    Ruth Ruggles

    I wish that I could see Dr Cameron I live on the Illinois Wisconsin border and I have a positive Lyme test but my real problem is the symptoms that I have babesia and I need treatment if I do definitely have it. Can’t get a Dr to order the test and not sure if ins will cover the expense. So in need of help.

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