1.) Involuntary body movements due to Lyme disease dismissed as psychosomatic
A man in his 70’s had an abrupt onset of involuntary body movements, including jerks in his left arm. Doctors initially dismissed him as having a functional disorder. However, his involuntary body movements were due to Lyme disease.
2.) Bannwarth syndrome in early disseminated Lyme disease
In this episode, I discuss the case of a 66-year-old man with Bannwarth syndrome with urinary retention in early Lyme disease. The authors conclude, “Early recognition of this rare presentation associated with Lyme disease and treatment with antibiotics can prevent disease progression and detrimental neurological sequelae.”
3.) Focus on COVID-19 leads to delayed diagnosis of Lyme disease
A 67-year-old man developed symptoms consistent with COVID-19. He had chills, body aches, fever, headache, and neck ache. Doctors suspected his symptoms were due to COVID-19. He was later found to have Lyme disease.
4.) COVID-Lyme disease survey: First findings, a discussion with Dr. Richard Horowitz
In this episode, Dr. Cameron teams up with Dr. Richard Horowitz to discuss findings from a survey entitled, “Burden of COVID-19 and the COVID-19 vaccine for individuals with Lyme disease.” In the second portion of the podcast, Dr. Horowitz provides a presentation on COVID-19, the Omicron variant and treatment options for Lyme disease patients.
5.) Clinicians have difficulty identifying ticks
A recent study examined the proficiency of clinicians at identifying ticks in the northeastern region of the United States. One finding reported, survey participants correctly identified 60% of the non-engorged black-legged ticks but only 34% correctly identified a partially engorged black-legged tick.
6.) Secondary normal pressure hydrocephalus due to Lyme disease
This case describes a 67-year-old man who developed a slow onset of progressive balance problems, along with dizziness, neck soreness and cognitive complaints. Over the next 4 months, the man developed additional symptoms including fatigue, irritability and urinary urge-incontinence. He was later diagnosed with Lyme disease.
7.) Lyme disease manifests as abdominal pain in a young child
Over a one-year period, a 9-year-old boy developed abdominal pain, progressively poor academic performance and gait disturbance. The child was diagnosed with abdominal neuroradiculopathy. Laboratory tests later confirmed a diagnosis of late stage Lyme disease.
8.) Lyme disease patient with permanent tinnitus and hearing loss
In this episode, I’ll be discussing a case involving a 46-year-old man with Lyme disease who developed permanent tinnitus and hearing loss. The man was hospitalized with a “sudden onset of tinnitus and hearing loss in the left ear, dizziness, severe balance instability, and gait ataxia.”
9.) Kidney failure and disseminated rashes associated with Lyme disease
I will be discussing the case of a 66-year-old woman who ignored a Bull’s eye rash, indicative of Lyme disease, and later developed acute renal failure, also referred to as kidney failure.
10.) 43-year-old man with meningitis and radiculitis due to Lyme disease
This is a unique case of a 43-year-old man with neurological manifestations of Lyme disease including both meningitis and radiculitis. The patient had a history of “scaly erythematous macular rash on his proximal medial upper and lower extremities.” Within 2 weeks, he developed a broad range of symptoms including cough, fever, anorexia, malaise, fatigue, myalgias, cervicalgia/neck stiffness with flexion and extension, mild photophobia, headache.
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